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  • SC BODY Wood Blanks

    This item is made to order

    SC Guitar Body Blanks for Luthier Projects.

    Hesitating to design your own body shape because of the daunting task of routing for the pickups, bridge and neck pocket? Here's your answer! Just pick your wood type and we'll leave the perimeter sculpting to you! Blanks are 480mm x 348 mm x 44.5 mm perfect for most guitar body shapes. These are perfect for clear finishes or oils as well as solid colour finishes including nitro and acrylic lacquers. These blanks are ready routered for USA spec components - Neck socket is 56mm. The blanks have been sanded ready for you to machine to shape.  Grain will vary.

     Need a Customisable SC Blank.  Remember we can machine these to any rout configuration for your custom Guitars (any custom routs, hardtail, special bridge routs etc.)